Parkinson's Disease
Resource Center

Welcome to your GO TO Resource for Parkinson's Disease in Alabama
PWR! Moves
PWR! Moves are the core of our PD-specific functional exercise and physical therapy programs. The Basic 4 PWR! Moves are designed to each target a skill known to deteriorate in people with Parkinson disease, which often leads to loss of mobility and function. The PWR! Moves can be practiced in multiple positions, made progressively more physically and cognitively challenging, and be used differently to target each person's unique symptom individually.
PWR! Moves help you mitigate symptoms and rebuild functionality, no matter how you incorporate them into your life. They're beneficial in stand-alone group exercise classes, integrated into your daily activities and routines (such as activities of daily living, recreation, sports and hobbies,) in physical and exercise therapy sessions.
Virtual classes are available online with live classes and one-on-one personal training. Learn more at:
Certified Instructors in Alabama, include:
Denis Avans, Fitness / Wellness Coordinator
Alabama Neurology - Physical Therapy Facility
3105 Independence Drive, Suite 105
Birmingham, AL 35209
*Denis provides sessions at Alabama Neurology, personal sessions in the home and is a virtual session instructor.
Stephanie Gauntt, MOT, OTR/L
Riley McWaters, Personal Trainer
2300 13th Street
Tuscaloosa, AL