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Medicare Fraud

The mission of the Alabama Senior Medicare Patrol's (AL SMOP) is to teach and empower Medicare beneficiaries, their care partners, and families how to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors and abuse. Federally funded through the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the AL SMP is comprised of dedicated staff and volunteers who respond to reports of suspected Medicare fraud and abuse and determine next steps.


The AL SMP's key objectives are to continuously work in these three main areas:


  • Conduct Outreach and Education: The AL SMP gives presentations to groups, displays exhibits at events, and works one-on-one with Medicare beneficiaries

  • Engage Volunteers: Protecting older person's health, finances and medical identity while saving Medicare dollars is a cause that attracts civic-minded Americans

  • Receive Beneficiary Complaints: When Medicare beneficiaries, care partners, and family members bring their complaints to the AL SMP, the AL SMP determines whether fraud, errors, and/or abuse is suspected. When fraud is suspected, AL SMP makes referrals to the appropriate federal agency for further investigation.


Alabama SMP relies on volunteers to educate and empower Medicare beneficiaries to take an active role in the detection and prevention of health care fraud and abuse. To become an Alabama SMP volunteer, please call your r local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) 1.800.AGE.LINE (1.800.243.5463) or visit:


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