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Patient Lifts
Sit to Stand Lift (Estimated cost - $3,000)
To decrease the risk of a fall, promote regular position changes, and help patients reach a natural standing posture, a sit-to-stand lift secures a patient during transfers. Patients can quickly, easily, and safely be moved from a seated to standing position, taking the strain off the user and the caregiver. These lifts require the use of a sling, and with many models of lifts and slings to choose from, you are encouraged to read How to Choose the Best Patient Lift Sling to help make an informed buying decision.
Floor Lift (Estimated Cost - $2,000)
A floor lift is a powered patient lift often used to assist a person who has fallen to get back on their feet. Floor lifts are mobile and can be moved from room to room or even taken along on vacation to assist with patient transfers. Powered patient lifts are also commonly called people lifts, handicap lifts, and hospital lifts, and they decrease the risk of caregiver strain and injury. Most floor lifts require a sling which wraps around the back of the patient and attaches to the lift.
Ceiling Lift (Estimated Cost - $3,500)
Offering a range of options and movement, ceiling lifts help a caregiver raise, lower, tilt, and roll a patient. A ceiling lift is either mounted on a rail system that is permanently installed or it's a freestanding lift that hydraulically lifts and transfers patients in a sling-seat. These patient transfer devices require the use of a sling and are popular because their overhead design decreases floor clutter and frees up space in smaller rooms. Weight capacity is a significant factor when choosing the most appropriate ceiling lift. Ceiling lifts come in a variety of options, making it easy to purchase an all-inclusive lift and track package.
Sit to Stand Couch Transfer (Estimated Cost - $200)
Stand assist handrails serve patients during self-assisted or caregiver-assisted transfers. Lightweight and portable, these transfer devices provide extra leverage through sturdy grip handles when rising from a sitting to a standing position.
Lift Chair (Estimated Costs - $750-$2,000)
Another option is a lift chair, which is a recliner with a motorized mechanism that pushes the chair up from the base to raise and lower the user between standing and sitting. Great for people with arthritis, lower leg neuropathy, joint pain, and balance disorders. These chairs make it easy to simply walk away from the chair after it raises you to a standing position.
If you already have a comfortable recliner, Lift Pads that sit on top of the chair with a cordless remote work similarly at a more affordable cost that can be used in any existing recliner.
Disclaimer: The Parkinson Association of Alabama (PAA) does not endorse or recommend any specific product or brand for purchase. It is to each person's discretion what products to purchase. The PAA cannot be held liable if the product does not produce its desired solution.