Parkinson's Disease
Resource Center
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Stretching Exercises
Regular stretching is an important part of your exercise program, and it can be one of the most enjoyable. Stretching helps you fight the muscle rigidity that comes with PD. It also helps your muscles and joints stay flexible. People who are more flexible tend to have an easier time with everyday movements.
Keep these tips in mind while stretching:
Perform active/dynamic stretching (shifting body positions) prior to exercise
Perform stretches at least 2-3 days per week; daily is better
Perform static stretching, where you hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds
Perform 2-4 repetitions of each chest
The muscles that tend to become tight in PD are those that bend and rotate the joints. At a minimum, a flexibility program should focus on the following body areas:
Chest wall
Shoulders and elbows
Back of the thighs (hamstrings) and knees
Front of thighs, especially front of hips
Fronts of wrists and palms
Low back and neck
Your stretch should feel like a gentle pull. Do not stretch to the point of pain
Remain motionless while holding your stretch. Do not bounce while stretching. Bouncing can cause small tears in muscle fibers, and this can actually lead to less flexibility
Breathe evenly in and out during each stretch. Do not hold your breath.