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Seborrheic Dermatitis
(Excessive Sweating)

Skin-related symptoms in PD can include excessive sweating which can lead to a yeast infection found most commonly around the face and scalp resulting from a disorder of the oil-producing glands. This may appear oily, reddened, or scaly. Staying ahead of seborrheic dermatitis (SD) can generally be managed with a good dandruff shampoo. However, if cases become severe, it might require seeing a dermatologist. Medications are typically topical ketoconazole shampoo or antifungals. Short term use of topical corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors may also be used.


Some people with PD also have the inability to regulate body temperature, which can be a side effect from some medications. Anticholinergics can also block sweat secretion which adds to overheating. Adjusting motor medications, specifically reducing cholinergic medications may help if the symptoms are particularly aggravating.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this Parkinson Association of Alabama Resource Center is for awareness and educational purposes only about Parkinson's medication. The PAA does not endorse any specific brand or type of medication. All discussions about medication should be between you, your care partner, and your medical teams.



Parkinson's Foundation. Medications. A Treatment Guide to Parkinson's Disease. "Brochure."




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