Parkinson's Disease
Resource Center
Welcome to your GO TO Resource for Parkinson's Disease in Alabama
Caring from Afar
As care partners to our loved ones with Parkinson's, we tend to fall into two categories. Primary Care Partner and Secondary Care Partner. Primary Care Partners are generally designated to the spouse or person who is living with or near the person with PD to provide daily, hands-on support. Secondary Care Partners are extended family members who help to support the person living with PD but also the primary care partner. Each play a critical role.
Sometimes, care partners and family members are not conveniently located to their loved one living with PD. While the navigation of care will be different, it is possible. And, there are ways you can be a critical member of the care team even if you live far away.
In this section, we discuss each role of care partner if caring for the loved one from afar and provide some tips on how you can help based on which category best fits you.